One Man's Marketing

Is this you?

I have a banana tree in my garden that is producing so many bananas I had to master my banana bread production. This lead to me needing to expand past my block and reach a bigger customer base. This tree won’t stop dropping bananas! If I can only find a way to reach more people to take these bananas off my hands!

Bananas about marketing!

Hello, I’m a marketer and I’m here to help. Tell me about your banana tree. Was it there when you arrived at the garden? Did you know how to garden before you had the garden? Are you actually a baker? Had you done any baking before you began your banana project? What would you say to growing a second banana tree?

As a marketer I would ask: can we find your core goal to manage your banana bread ambitions and can we find points along the way to know we’re heading towards that goal? The core goal is the driving message of marketing and the points along the way are the indicators that the message is being engaged with and at best appreciated. Communicating the message clearly and building a clear understanding of the message are the main tasks of a marketer. These steps are the path taken to find an expanded audience for your contribution to the world.

The marketed elements are then tracked to evaluate the performance after its released to the public or to the targeted audience. A report is created with an assesment of what was developed, how long it took to develop each, what was expected of the piece, what the piece actually did (in the form of leads and engagement figures). At this point an indicator needs to be assessed or a goal was converted and possibly a hand-off to the client or next phase of the business is to take place. Marketing is slow, the process requires an annual commitment with a quarterly review to ensure both parties are familiar with the status quo and to conclude what the direction towards the next quarter should be. The Return On Investment (ROI) is not in how much banana breads did the email campaign sell (otherwise it would be sales and not marketing) but to market for comprehensive growth in sales.

This marketer’s skillset involves technical capabilities and creative direction in to provide digital marketing, copywriting, and visual communication services. The creation of copy, artwork, and development of digital assets is an expertise that requires investment and time which is where my services come in as a sort of one-man-gang. After being briefed on marketer refines a concept to emphasize its strengths in words and images. This leads to producing assets and deliverables in the form of word or ppt documents, development for webpages or entire websites, email and social media marketing as branded artwork and copywriting.

Let’s have some banana bread and talk this over.

5 Steps To Controlling Headers In Microsoft Word​

Click where you want to insert the section break.
On the Page Layout tab, click on Breaks, and then under Section Breaks, click Next Page. This will insert the section break, and text following the section break will begin on a new page.
Link to previous is available when you have more than one like section.
In the first header of each new section, deselect Link to Previous. If Link to Previous is dimmed, check to make sure a section break was created.
Type a new header or footer for this section. Now unlinked, it functions independently of the previous ones.

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3, 2, 1, Motion

UTD provides aviation services and spare parts. It is in development of a complex strategy that when implemented will have a major impact in connecting the African and US aviation markets. There is a constant exchange of ideas through regular discussion of the past, present, and future direction of Africa’s aviation industry. Recently we produced one of these discussions as content for distrubtion.

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Droga 5 Packaging, Print, and Digital Production

Droga 5

Droga 5 is a global titan in advertising, and I was glad to be apart of the team that launched them. Primarily servicing the Tracfone and Net 10 Brands with packaging, POS/POP, instore signage, event marketing materials, and static banners. The relationship of creative and production was literally side by side as we repurposed creative into an enormous volume print mechanicals ready for print.

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Spotco Broadway and Cultural Advertising


Spotco got its start as the AOR for most major Broadway Theater productions and New York cultural institutions like the Guggenheim. In this loose creative environment one must collaborate with fellow creatives to arrive at a final design of keyart. The Production Designer then follows this keyart to execute all web and print materials.

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